Page name: Curves are Sexy [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-28 04:31:35
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Hello There!

Welcome to Curves are Sexy.

We are living in a world that only recognizes one type of beauty. We are bombarded with picture after picture of slender supermodels which is taking its toll on our attutides towards our physical appearances and our lifestyles. I myself feel it is about time someone knocked some sense into the media.

This wiki is here to promote good health for women (and men) of all shapes and sizes. To raise awareness that having the "body perfect" is not everything and sometimes isn't attractive at all! It is here to encourage a healthy, balanced diet and self respect.

There is a misconstrued definition of what "Curvy" is. Here we believe curvy is of a healthy weight, with a defined curve to the body. Which could be anything from an hourglass shape to a large chest. Its not suporting over-weight or obesity, just health and good self esteem in what is natural.


“Curvy women are more likely to live longer than their slimmer counterparts, researchers have found.”
for the full article :

The Test?

Social parts:
CAS Members- Do you agree? Well, what are you waiting for? Join the list!
CAS Banners- Add one to your house if you want :)

We love Curves!- the gallery to show off what nature gave you!
Famous Curves a gallery of all the healthy celebs. Feel free to add your own celebrity images.
The Protest Page! break free from the media's view of beauty and express yourself here.
What We're Fighting For kind of self explainitory

Dietary information:
Eating disorders- Some basic information on EDs.
FAT- Its necessary

Owner - The Amazing [Love like Winter.]
Co-Owner - The Allmighty [Dirty Lil Juggalette]

Co-Owner - [Roosey]

Got any problems or need to talk to someone about this wiki, message us.

Everyone's Different
Petition to remove ana can help join it to make a difference to EP.
Thick Chicks Rule! OMG, check it out :D
Beauty Comes In All Shapes & Sizes

[RabidSphinx] Is banned from this wiki and therefore not allowed to comment here.

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2006-09-01 [Love like Winter.]: haha xD

2006-09-01 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: ummm, shibby

2006-09-01 [Ethereal Blue]: Dude. People are actually replying to my "find tub and I'll give you something" diary entry. Spiffy! ^^

2006-09-01 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: 0_o

2006-09-01 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: wow, impressive

2006-09-01 [Ethereal Blue]: Pffft.

2006-09-03 [Mz. Play]: I would love to join this Wiki =)! Yes, that's the girl's Wiki that I saw. I almost threw up when I saw it =/.

2006-09-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: a bit disturbing isn't it? but anywho...welcome to Curves are Sexy ^_^

2006-09-03 [Mz. Play]: Yes it is =/. Hey I want to add my pictures onto here, can I put a picture of my tummy and then one of my body from the side view?

2006-09-03 [Ethereal Blue]: I'm not like owner or co-owner, but I'm sure that that would be fine. Jess? >_>;

2006-09-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: yes it's fine, as long as you have some may add them to we love curves! don't forget to add your username ^_^

2006-09-03 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yes! this is the single greatest wiki on EP, no joke son...

2006-09-03 [Ethereal Blue]: Son? o_O;

2006-09-03 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: those black kids use it in New York

2006-09-04 [Ethereal Blue]: I can't picture black kids in New York saying 'son'. 'Couse that's just me, having never been there and only hearing and seeing about gangsta's and such...

2006-09-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lmao...are you guys kiddin me?! a lot of people not just black kids say that and they do it everywhere

2006-09-04 [L V F]: -dances-

2006-09-04 [Ethereal Blue]: Well I know a bunch of black, white, Mexican, etc. people who say that. But I can't picture kids from New York.... Oui. Maybe I should just shut up here?

2006-09-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: umm...doesn't matter what state you're in everyone is basically the same

2006-09-04 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *nods* more or less

2006-09-04 [Ethereal Blue]: Murph.

2006-09-11 [EmmaExCore.]: blahdy blah bllah blah

2006-09-11 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: 0_o

2006-09-11 [nothereanymore]: Eeep, I haven't been here in ages, you guys talk a lot :P

2006-09-11 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yeah, we talk quite a bit

2006-09-11 [nothereanymore]: Indeed x)

2006-09-12 [Ethereal Blue]: 'S what happens... -.-;

2006-09-12 [nothereanymore]: Duh :P

2006-09-14 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *dances around*

2006-09-15 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *party boys*

2006-09-15 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: dork!!! *glomps*

2006-09-15 [L V F]: -glomps evreybody-

2006-09-15 [Ethereal Blue]: Murph.

2006-09-17 [Ringbearer]: This wiki is right. Curves ARE sexy.

2006-09-18 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: Erin did a very good job with it i think ^_^ i didn't do much so i can't really take any credit -_- hehe

2006-09-18 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *nods* the wonderful miss erin did a terrific job here

2006-09-18 [Ringbearer]: Indeed *praises*

2006-09-24 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: did anyone hear about how Spain and i think England banned models under a certain weight?

2006-09-24 [Ethereal Blue]: I thought it was just England...?

2006-09-24 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: no i believe Spain started it

2006-09-24 [Ethereal Blue]: Oh. Well I don't even really know the whole story. Just bits a pieces. ><;

2006-09-24 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: well...the whole reason they use overly thin models is to put this idea that you should be way too thin in impressionable girls minds...when theres no guy that likes girls like that...they don't care, they just want to give girls this idea, and i have no idea they decided it's unrealistic, and they banned the models

2006-09-24 [Ethereal Blue]: *Nods* I got that much from it. Just didn't know where or when or how.

2006-09-24 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: well me and my dad talked about it...and we agree that the US will never ban underweight models...because we're assholes

2006-09-24 [Ethereal Blue]: Well DUR! ><;

2006-09-24 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol...i was happy when i heard about this all...maybe the US will stop being jackasses and follow the amazing example of England and Spain

2006-09-24 [Ethereal Blue]: Hopefully. 'Course, I wouldn't hold my breath over it...

2006-09-24 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: neither would i...but i'm also happy to report that instead of using a lowest weight limit...they're using the BMI...anyone under 19 on the BMI is does suck for the girls that can't help but be overly thin

2006-09-24 [Ethereal Blue]: BMI?
Bowel Movement Institute?

2006-09-24 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol body mass index...and i'm not sure about the bmi website says 19 another says i'll have to look deeper into it some other time...i feel too blah to focus -_-

2006-09-24 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yeah, the US will never ban that underweight of a model, because all the politicians are fucking these underweight models. and, if that's wrong, then it's because we're too obsessed with attempting to keep kids away from alcohol and tobacco, which we really dont need to do.

2006-09-24 [Ethereal Blue]: Or we do, and are just failing. Are we remembering meh, in all of this? -.-;

2006-09-24 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: true true...alot of the methods this country uses to keep kids away from drugs and alcohol works til their friends try it...then they wanna try it...well thats how it works sometimes...with me they sunk that "drugs are bad" thing into my head til i left elementary school, and started hearing about the other side of drugs, then eventually i started trying to find pot, then my sister came to me with it without knowing i was wanting to try was weird

2006-09-24 [L V F]: to be honest i didnt like doing pot. cause i got really sick the day after. but meh. it was a way to pass the time. now i just drink lol

2006-09-24 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *shakes head* anywho...this country is obsessed with "thin people" we have two problems here...yes we do have a overweight problem...but being slightly overweight is better than being underweight...i honestly didn't think i could argue this til just's been proven that someone thats slightly overweight is expected to live longer than someone that is underweight...

2006-09-24 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: oh yeah our other problem is our media promotes anorexia and tries to influence young girls into thinking thats what they should be like...when they're putting our youth in danger

2006-09-24 [Ethereal Blue]: Actually, they don't promote anorexia. What they do is stick a shit load of pictures of young, beautiful, skinny girls on the covers of magazines and such and tell young girls that they're s'posed to look like that, no matter what route they take to get that way, or the costs. And with me, I don't love pot, but I don't hate it. It's just kinda blah for me. And of course me 'n my drink's 're tight, yo. o.o; And then there's me 'n my cigarets... <_<; Anywhoozle! I'm such a horrible person... xD

2006-09-24 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol...they promote girls being too thin, hows that? and with pot...i'm a pothead big deal, i don't hold it against anyone if they decide they don't wanna do it, and i don't think it's "cool" of someone if they's fun to talk to people that do it about times i've done it but thats about as far as it goes

2006-09-24 [Ethereal Blue]: *Nods* Yeah, like our conversations... <_<;; Anyway, they don't really promote them being too thin. They actually do promote a healthy weight. They just really fuck it up and it gets twisted in the individual's head and they think that even when they're at the PERFECT weight for their height and such that they're still fat so they keep going and that's when it begins to spiral...

2006-09-24 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i'm talkin about the extremes though, yes there are magazines such as Seventeen that are very positive...But also you have articles in either newspapers or on the internet that are extremes...and slightly overweight is healthy too...people just need to know how to not let it go further than that

2006-09-24 [Ethereal Blue]: Blah, I'ma bow out gracefully. I really don't know all that much about it all. -.-;

2006-09-25 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol, it's alright

2006-09-27 [shardae le fae]: Hello.......if anyone on here wants the Pro-ANA wikis off elfpack go sign my petition Petition to remove ana can help it's only for ana can help......How is everyone?

2006-09-27 [shardae le fae]: I just wanted to leave that open..I'm most surely not forcing anyone to sign it..

2006-10-06 [L V F]: -tackles jess-

2006-10-06 [Love like Winter.]: Thats such a good wiki.. I'll add that to the links.

2006-10-07 [shardae le fae]: I donno I agree with being fat but i don't agree with saying it's alright to be ana

2006-10-07 [Love like Winter.]: See, I'm not pro obesity or anything.. I mean, I'm tottaly aware that being overweight or obese can seriously damage your heath and if it is you should do something about it (in a healthy way). So this wiki is just a little reminder that thin isn't everything :) If your weight is heathy, then theres nothing wrong with you. Beside being underweight can do just as much damage to your body as being overweight. Thats all I'm trying to say.

2006-10-07 [shardae le fae]: yep I know and I agree

2006-10-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *nods* most correct love. oh, and does anyone else smell bullshit coming from that wiki? Because I know B.S., and that's the smell...

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Which wiki?

2006-10-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: ana can help I have a physical hatred of them now.

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: My friend Sarah is on there and she agrees. I don't but I don't ridicule her for it I suppose..

2006-10-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: -.- Sarah as in [RabidSphinx]?

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Yep. >< Shes actually really nice to me...I just remind her alot that shes not fat and shes pretty but I don't start being offensive over her opinions really ><

2006-10-07 [Love like Winter.]: Flattery will get you anywhere, it seems :) lol.

2006-10-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: very sorry Erin, got carried away...

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Actually its not flattery well not how I met her but anyway she can be nice if you get to know her.

2006-10-07 [Love like Winter.]: FYI. I used to be her friend. Then because my opinion was different than her's, she took a cow and ended the relationship. So I'm saying drop the subject before I get bitched at for it.

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I won't bitch at either of you for your opinions because I think thats completly wrong. >< But Sarah and I have totally different opinion lol

2006-10-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: heh, I think it's time to stop talking about her now, it gets my tweak meter to rise...

2006-10-07 [Love like Winter.]: Well, she attacked mad at me for making this wiki. Just so ya know..

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Yeah I think that would be good partly because I don't want to argue with either of you...I'm not surprised actually but yeah..

2006-10-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: and she calls me closed minded...

2006-10-07 [Love like Winter.]: When your anything BUT closed minded, James :)

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD I don't think either of you are :o

2006-10-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: well, she thought of me as close minded when I used logic to counter religion

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Ooo religious studies is me damn favourite lesson! Hehe I told my teacher the bible was full of incest..lmao Her face was such a picture!! *atheist*

2006-10-07 [FireGypsy]: Im living with a jahovas witness (adam's step dad) and according to their research in the bible, the apocalypse is coming soon and he will only spare those who are jahovas witnesses. Therefore all the sheep who go to church everyday and practice what they beleive is the right religion, are all going to die anyway. So I chose no religion, why? Because how am I to know what the right religion is. If they ALL claim they are the true religion to god, then what the hell. I just have to pick it out of a hat or what?

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Mm I just don't believe in god as such...just like something..Its weird to explain lol

2006-10-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: athiests for the win! oh, and everyone here should know that 19th century, predominantly christian Europe produced Lennin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussoulini, and Franco.

Oh, and all of European history is filled with more incest than the south on Viagra.

2006-10-07 [FireGypsy]: Hey, he hasnt made his presence apparent to me, so what the hell! And according to the bible, we are all going to hell. Why? Because the definition of "hell" is a hole in the ground, which is where we all go anyway, unless we are burned or something. But I think ill just accept the fact that I will be a worthless piece of rotting flesh that will be forgotten about.

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I live in Europe >.> BUT I believe the united kingdom should break from Europe because I don't belive in all the countries that take money out but return no money (when we put alot into this thingy)

2006-10-07 [FireGypsy]: Haha! Alls I know is there are a lot of inbred fucks down here! I see toothless drunk people all day long!

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD! I enjoyed my time in Florida :p but you know Jehovahs witnesses? They like come around here and bug you to join their religion. ITs stupid...

2006-10-07 [Ihsahn]: then your in a sad part of Florida.

2006-10-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: heh, miss Sasha, i've lived here all my life, we dont have the hardcore rednecks, maybe a little more in the part of florida you live in, but Florida in general doesnt compare to alabama and mississipee

2006-10-07 [FireGypsy]: What they are doing is trying to spread the word of the coming apocolypse, which according to the bible, God will spare those why devote their lives to try and warn those of the apocolypse. So if they truly beleive in what their religion poses, then let them spread word lol! Kinda silly really, I think I will survive it. It will be in our lifetime just so you know ^_^

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: they used to come to my house all the time specifically for me, and tell me i was going to die if i didn't believe in their religion -_-

2006-10-07 [FireGypsy]: Well I came from Mass, where there are NO rednecks lol!

2006-10-07 [FireGypsy]: Exactly! If you dont beleive in their religion, then god wont spare you for the apocolypse! It kinda makes sense really, though its just silly lol!

2006-10-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *faints* there are, you just need to know where to look love

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Well We don't get any rednecks here in Leeds either! xD...And I don't believe in the apocolypse..Hehe

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i wanted to smack them whenever to came to my house...i don't have a religion, nor do i really want to follow something like that...if i do believe in something it's on my own, not someone or some book telling me what to believe in

2006-10-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: my History teacher is agnostic, which really means an athiest without balls

2006-10-07 [Love like Winter.]: I had doubts about religon when I started thinking too deeply about souls. Its like, where is it? There no way of seeing it, you can't cut someone open and see it. You know, I grew up being told that animals don't go to heaven because they don't have souls.. So what makes them live?! We die when our soul parts from our bodies so how do animals live without them? No soul = no afterlife. From there on, my atheism grew :)

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: naw, agnostic is you do believe in something...just not what religions around the world do or something along those lines

2006-10-07 [FireGypsy]: I dont think the "apocalypse" will come so to speak, but I think something big will happen.

2006-10-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yeah, but generally speaking, agnostics are just athiests who dont want to come all the way out of the religious closet

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i don't believe in much because of how i grew up...not because "god was never there for me"...naw when i was a kid i made myself believe "god" made things happen because i prayed to i grew up, i realized those things were just luck, and it became to hard for me to believe in the afterlife or anything/person watching over me...and besides people always tell me when someone dies "wouldn't you rather think that person is going on to a better place" yeah i would...but when i die...i want it to be the end, i don't wanna go on to an afterlife...when i'm dead, i'm dead thats it nothing left

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: fucking up the world...most likely...

2006-10-07 [Love like Winter.]: Wow, your somber.. But I agree with you on the whole "I don't need an old book to tell me what to believe", Jess. I too, am perfectly capable of deciding whats right or whats wrong for myself..

Cause believe it or not, I have a brain and I like to use it :P

2006-10-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: whoa, how did this become a theology discussion?

2006-10-07 [Love like Winter.]: You brought it up! xD

2006-10-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: i merely mentioned my athiesm, and you all elaborated! now i must go! farewell mi friends!

2006-10-07 [Love like Winter.]: You cause chaos on my wiki and then leave!?.. lol.. Fine, take care..

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol...bye James...and at first i though you said i was sober Erin, and i was like..."how can she tell?!" lol then i noticed the m lol

2006-10-07 [Love like Winter.]: Haha! I'm just phycic like that, I guess :)

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: well i'm normally not sober when we talk so i didn't think you would notice me being sober...theres no change in my personality really...except i talk about weird things

2006-10-07 [Love like Winter.]: What, when your sober or when your drunk? lol.

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Mm i'm always weird so nobody could probably tell if I was or wasn't sober hehe

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: well i'm usually high, drunk is a little different...i expect everyone to know if i'm drunk even when they don't know me well

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD It take alot for me to get drunk really :P

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i've been drinking as long as i could reach the top of the counter...but i'm a bit of a light and my x were drinking...and he drinks ALL the time...but what my one drink was doin to me was what three or four drinks does to him

2006-10-07 [Love like Winter.]: Haha, look at me looking thoughtfull (I'm on the right, in the stripey jumper).


*sigh* summer days out..

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i can tell thats you silly

2006-10-07 [Love like Winter.]: sorry :P okok.. for OTHER people.

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: My parents gave me my first VHF when I was like 10 lol or rather I asked for my first then :P they let me drink when all the "hard" people at school are like "oh ye i'm gunna nick a bottle a vodka from ma ouse tonight lol" I just laugh at them ^_^...And I knew that was you! hehehe i'm good like that!

2006-10-07 [Love like Winter.]: My Dad brought me booze for finishing my exams.. I didn't want it though, cause I don't drink.

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lmao...i actually don't like that i'm allowed to do so much...well i'm an adult so they can't really tell me no...but before then i was allowed to go to parties, and stay out all night and whatever dad never said no to me spending the night at a friends unless it was a school night and he usually let me do that too

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: My parents don't let me do much >< Pretty overprotective really lol

2006-10-07 [FireGypsy]: Adam's step dad just bought us a 12 pack of beer ^_^

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Beer isn't that nice I don't think..Lol I like it I GUESS but not much :P

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: think i'm gonna try to get beer for next weekend...i'm getting acid, and pot thats all i know of

2006-10-07 [FireGypsy]: Cool! ^_^

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i haven't done acid since i was 15...and we're getting about 3 hits each...but thats for the whole weekend

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: An an angel and don't do anything but drink which I don't do alot anyways lol

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: oh i'm a pothead that experimented and found a few other drugs that are fun...but i don't do them much...just pot alot lol

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Lol Kay. I dun mind what others do unless its totally stupid or something lol

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: like heroin?! or jumping off a bridge cause your friends told you so kind of thing?!

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Lol probably Heroin...And the latter too. Hehe I wouldn't do either I don't think o.0 I suppose with like peer pressure its having the courage to say No to them..

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: yeah...but like i've offered people hits from weed or other drugs or whatever...and if i can tell they're saying yes just cause i offered and they don't really want to then i lose respect for them...i mean yeah i do drugs and alot of other shit...but that don't mean i think everyone should be doing the same shit, it's what you believe in...except when me and Sarah were friends she promised she'd have a drink on my birthday so i made her lol

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD I would refuse even from my best friend I think...Otherwise I don't think i'd have much respect for myself because I was just doing it because my friend was. Its like changing who you are to fit in ><

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: exactly...i can't stand people like that...especially when they have to pretend their something to fit in (even more so when they make a complete fool of themselves)(which goes along with what happened that night with Sarah)

2006-10-07 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I did that once in like year 7 because all the girls in my year are barbieish (and most are like stick insect btw) And I wanted to be lkike that to fit in >< But now i'm the only girl in my year really thats like me and im proud of it lol

2006-10-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: good ^_^ be proud of who you are

2006-10-08 [stephy.h]: *wishes she was curvy*

2006-10-08 [shardae le fae]: I am!

2006-10-08 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *has man cans*

2006-10-08 [shardae le fae]: wtf?

2006-10-08 [stephy.h]: o.0
lucky you

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: *Pokes onna Lordy's man cans*

2006-10-08 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: 0_o

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: <.< *Takes onna Jess' hands and makes her grab Lordy's man cans* >.>;

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: :o:o!

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: xD

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD hii

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
I am so awake, it's not funny... T_T

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I'm always asleep ^_^ Thats why i'm so slooow

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: You seem pretty quick to meh! ^-^
I have insomnia, so although I may be sleepy and such I'm always awake... And I'm sure massive overloads of caffein don't exactly help... <.<;

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Hehe, thanks but i'm really not ^_^
I am usually awake all night thinking. I think way too much..

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: *Nods* Sounds like me. -.-
Okay, dude, tell me if you can understand this...
"my name is ferit. ı want to a friend for speak. ı want to new sweety people.very beautiful and sexapality girl."
Damned Turks... >.>

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: He keeps talking to me too..-.-!
My name is Ferit I want a friend to speak to...I want to meet sweet people and um no idea..lmao I think thats the gist of it..

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: xD!!! That's all I could get out of it then my eyes kinda bugged out and my brain got friedalated trying to read that last bit. ><;
Awwwah, I'm sorreh! *Kicks him* <.<;

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: lol oOoOo That looks fun! Can I try? ^_^ *Kicks him*
Have you noticed that most other foreigners can speak decent english EXCEPT the Turks?

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: ZOMG YES! ><; Well, I actually met some French dude the other day that wanted my MSN thinger and couldn't speak(type) good english fer shit, yo. <.<;

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Yeah well, they are just Froggies what can I say? Hehe just kidding but Mostly Turks..Its sooo annoying!

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: Froggies? o_O
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. >.>;

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: You never heard the French being called Frogs? :p

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: No. But I could imagine that they would. xD

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD Well we do in England ^_^ Hehehe And hyper is goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: Niiiiiiiiiiiice. Sadly I'm not in England. ._. Wish I was. Then I could totally attack, ravage and jam out with Jesse and Arron. ^-^;
I knoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! 'Specially with meh. BiPolar Bitch that I am. -.-;;

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: England <3
Hehe I dun think you're any kind of bitch silly!

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: *nODS* i LUFF eNGLAND! ^-^
Bahahahahahahaha, just wait... >.>;;

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Me too! xD I like living here But I loved Florida too when i went lmao..
Oh well i'll still like ya hehe

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: Hahahaha, I wouldn't mind being in Florida right about now... Damned Maine and the coldness! ><;
Hehehe, YEY! *Dances about*

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Damned Leeds and the coldnmess!
*dances then stops* I le suck at le dancing xD! But Yay!

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: Leeds? o_O;;
I do tooooooooooooooooo! Bah! xD

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: The city I live in hehe...
Nah we rock its everyone else who sucks ;) xDD

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: Ooooh. xD Sweetness.
Hahaha, damn straight!
Bah, I'ma go and see if I can warm up and burn some of this energy, talk later or some other time?

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Yay go us!
And sure. I might go find a big blanket to live under..Hehe Byeeee <3

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: Rah-rah-rah? xD
Aaaaalriiiiiiiiiiiight! Have fun Hon.

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD! One minute..*mumbles* Now where are my damn pompoms...
haha I never did live under that blanket :p

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: *Blinks* Y'know what's sad..? I used to be a cheerleader... -.-;;
Awwwwah! Poor you! Er, well. Wait. Poor you? Or no? o_O

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I didn't :p But I have pompoms hehe We dont have cheerleader over here..:o
Yes poor me cause its cold even though im warmer now cause imgetting used to the temperature in this room

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: xD Consider yourself lucky!
Heh, I know what you mean. I don't remember why, but I took my sweatshirt off and then froze my arse off for a little while until I got used to it. ^-^;

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Haha, why?
I dont wear em cause when you like go outside or something with a coat on your then REALLY warm hehe

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: *Shudders*
Bah. I'm constantly wearing long sleeves and sweatshirts when I leave teh house.

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Lmao that bad?
Heh I don't usually everyones like ARENT YOU COLD?

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: ... Yesh...
Well I'll walk around in short sleeves in the winter or thin long sleeves and such. But still. <.<;

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Hehe..Why?
lol Oki then ^^

2006-10-08 [Ethereal Blue]: Iunno?
Oooooooooooh! I gotta go for a little while again, okay?
Talk later hopefully.

2006-10-08 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD Kay
Awh BuhByee <3

2006-11-16 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: damn...that's sad :\

2006-11-16 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Aww...That sucks..

2006-11-16 [Love like Winter.]: wow, thats awful :(

2006-11-16 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: That sends a message o.0 even if it is sad

2006-11-16 [Love like Winter.]: It really does... But a BMI of 13.5.. That is harsh.

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